reassessing restaurant inventory needs 2021

Reassessing Restaurant Inventory Needs for 2021

Reassessing restaurant inventory needs for 2021 is necessary to ensure the year starts off right. Inventory reassessment allows a restaurant manager a chance to either embrace improvement or settle for the same old.

And what better time than a new year to make things better? After all, a new year means a new opportunity for change.  Here are some things to consider for your 2021 restaurant inventory reassessment:

Increasing Efficiency, Lowering Costs 

Finding a restaurant linen service provider goes beyond getting better quality linen products. While your linen selection does get a priority, your restaurant linen maintenance needs can easily take a similar significance.

One of the most important considerations to make for your 2021 restaurant inventory needs is finding ways to increase efficiency in linen management without raising costs. Even more ideal is to find ways to achieve this while decreasing costs.

Do It Yourself Becomes All By Yourself

Keeping up with restaurant linens on your own is stressful and costly. And managing linen care with an in-house laundry service can be tricky. On the one hand, an in-house facility doesn’t come with a flat monthly rate (they’re somewhat unpredictable). Additionally, there are no middlemen and winded conversations with agents and representatives, allowing you direct control of every aspect of the laundering process.

It allows you to get your restaurant linens exactly the way you want them to be. But what also comes with in-house linen service? Topping the list are the overhead costs – equipment, space, utilities, and employees. Not to mention, in-house laundry creates additional managerial burdens for your business as well. It can take a toll on productivity.

You Don’t Have To Be All By Yourself

A reliable, experienced restaurant linen service provider – the kind that comes with glowing recommendations and a reputation that precedes the company, not to mention the facility and the manpower that came with it – might be your best option. Washing, storage, and supply are taken care of, leaving you with more freedom to pursue your bigger business goals. No added chores. No added costs. Just benefits.

Stabilizing Restaurant Inventory in 2021

Keeping up with linen supplies takes a toll on your manpower and managerial capacities. Your 2021 linen inventory reassessment should include finding ways to stabilize your supply even through fluctuations in demands.

While inventory management plays a key role in keeping up with demands, sudden surges and a limited inventory can derail your operations and adversely affect customer experience.

Stable Supply Means Simple Supply

Stabilizing your restaurant linen supply is not about increasing laundry frequencies or upping your inventory volume. You’ll need a solution that keeps costs down while remaining flexible to accommodate volume demands. Only a restaurant linen rental service can satisfy that.

Restaurant linen rentals will charge you only for what you use, eliminating the amount it would have cost you to cover your highest volume. Renting restaurant linens also allows you a safe backup when you need it, without the commitment and burden of maintenance and storage.

The same is true with your non-linen inventory, particularly your restroom supplies. You need the perfect balance between convenience, cost, and stability of supply without having to jeopardize the quality.

Improving Hygiene

2020 has reiterated and underscored for us stakeholders in the food industry the importance of clean, hygienic linens. It should remain among your restaurant’s biggest priorities for the coming year.

Your hygiene reassessment should include ways to get better and cleaner linens and uniforms. It should also include a reassessment of your restroom and facility maintenance needs. It benefits everyone involved – your employees, your customers, and ultimately, your brand.

Republic Master Chefs is Ready to Help!

Looking to reassess your restaurant linens? We can help! Contact us today so we can talk about your options. Contact us here or call us at 1(800) 640-2433.